If you have any kind of website that you want people to see then you know that you need to have some sort of traffic generating methods to make this happen. When it comes to the promoting websites online the concept is pretty simple. No traffic means no visitors to your site and no matter what the point of your site is if it is getting no traffic it has no purpose and is serving no benefit to you whatsoever.
But on the other hand if you know how to generate traffic to your site this can be the difference between your online success and your online failure. Yes there are many ways to get visitors to your site some of which are paid ways. I know when it comes to getting people to their site that many prefer to not have to spend much money if any at all to do so. The good news is that there are some really great free ways that you can use to bring in a ton of traffic to your sites. Here are 4 easy methods that you can use to get more eyeballs looking a to your site without spending any money.
Use Facebook Like Page/Fan Page - Facebook has recently become one of the most effective marketing tools on the entire web. Everyday more and more people are turning to Facebook to generate tons of traffic to their websites. First thing you should do is create a face book profile page or a fan page. Once all setup you should start sending out invites to everyone you know. You can find people that maybe interested in your page by joining groups that are related to the niche that your website is related to. Once you have a good amount of friends or fans (at least a couple hundred) you can then do a traffic swap. This is where you contact other Facebook members that are seemingly involved in your niche and ask to post about your page on their page and in return you will make a post about their page on your page.
You can do this with as many Facebookers as you can find who are willing to make this trade. This method can be very powerful when it comes to traffic generation.
Create A Squidoo Lens - Over the past few years many internet marketers have went away from using Squidoo lenses to get more traffic because of some of the changes that the site has made. Here's the thing, Squidoo is still a great way to get some targeted traffic. All you need to do is create a Squidoo lens with the keyword that you are trying to rank for in the title of it. Then ad original content to it that links back to your site. I recommend adding 3-5 articles and a couple YouTube videos. This will help rank your lens better in the search engines.
Blog Sharing - If you have a blog you can easily share you post by having it syndicated through your Facebook and Twitter accounts.. Once all setup every time you make a post on your blog it will automatically be posted on your Facebook and Twitter sites giving you an almost instant burst of traffic. This is once again a completely free way to get more traffic you your site.
YouTube Marketing - This monster of a video sharing site gets millions of visitors everyday and is a perfect place for internet marketers to come an snatch up some targeted traffic. The idea here is to create very informative videos dealing with whatever niche that you are in. Once your video is done you will need to upload it to YouTube. Make sure that you use your keywords throughout the title of your videos and the description. You also want to make sure that you put a call of action at the end of your videos telling the viewers to pass this video on to others as well as to visit your website for more information. Be sure to post your videos on you Twitter and Facebook pages.
Using these free methods can bring you a ton of traffic in no time all you need to do is apply these methods. They do work!
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Speaking is a method of oral communication. It can be done in a planned situation, the place, time and the issues presented have been determined.
Good public speaking requires a knowledgeable speaker (to be proficient, knowledgeable, and sensitive on the topic), speaking skills (the ability to control the audience and draw attention to the speech), confidence (confidence in themselves, preparation and mastery of the topic) and personal show / of good character (the audience assess the speaker including how to dress, walking to speech, physical movements,etc.).
- Be familiar with the area or place of speech - To familiarize yourself, come early to the venue. If there are facilities available such as speakers, there is no harm to try the volume of your voice.
- Identify the audience - Say greetings to guests who arrived.Chat with with them before you are asked to speak to familiarize yourself with your situations.When you have been friendly, nervousness will decrease when you stand in front of them.
- Understand the issues to be spoken - If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the topic of your nervousness will increase.Make sure you rehearse first.
- Relax - Do not think about how your presentation will be.If you failed to relax,this pressure will crumble you down and you body will not get enough of rest.
- Believe that other people want you to successfully deliver a speech - Spectators usually want something new, informative and entertaining. You will succeed if you implement this factor in your speech.
- Do not apologize - If you would like to apologize for any mistakes you make in your speech, you will only make the audience reflect on your speech just now, and try to identify the error.Do not apologize.
- Pay attention to key issues - focus your attention on key issues and not on trivial matters. Make sure you provide a clear emphasis on the issue.
- Change the nervousness of positive energy - The internal strength to turn nervousness into positive energy by giving encouragement to yourself that you can do it!
- Pick up the experience - Old experiences and build self-confidence is the key to your success while giving speech.
I hope you can overcome your nervousness when doing your speech. Besides, I struggled for some time,finding and looking for answers and tips from top speakers in my state. There are some product I use and I recommend to you personally that change and turn off my nervousness even the audience gets excited.
Go to this website and evaluate it yourself http://www.mediamacro.com/publicspeaking Wan Firdaus is an author at his blog, MediaMacro, Reviews and Guide http://www.mediamacro.com. He blogs about technology, WordPress development and gadgets. |
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