Unitravelclub is an international travel and friendship club
Unitravelclub is an international travel and friendship clubA place to meet new friends and discuss about travelling.Plus it's a fine opportunity to create a decent income online.Unitravelclub has been set up to help youget your share of this $6 Trillion Dollar Industry.The Travel Industry! The travel industry is growing 23% faster than the world's economy. Travel has now become over a $6 trillion a year industry and growing. Over 80% of all vacations taken are the result of a introduction from a friend, family member or co-worker.
E-gold, Liberty reserve or E-bullion account While in Pre-launch, their is a One time membership fee of $150.00 After Pre-launch our normal fees of $197.00 will apply. As a *Special Pre - Launch Bonus* Our First 1,000 Members will Receive an International ATM Mastercard worth over $200.00 For FREE!! http://clubfreedom.com/?ref=dollarsforum.Once you complete your registration, you will instantly have your own website just like this one but with your name on it. You need to refer two (2) Qualyfied travellers to enable you to complete your board. This could be either referred directly by you or through the efforts of your upline sponsors. But you start earning right from your first referrals. You don't have to complete your Platinum Traveller's Status to earn. You earn right from first day, with your first direct referral. The Universal Travel Club compensation plans is simple and fast paying. All that you require to achieve your first vacation abroad with Unitravel club is to introduce just two travelling agents and teach them to introduce 2 other people interested in travelling to complete your board. The way it works is that after you have completed your Qualified Traveller's board, you progress to the Gold Traveller's Board until you accomplish your Platinum Traveller's Board. You are paid $16,500.00 when you cycle out of the Platinum Board. Here is how you grow from one stage to the other http://clubfreedom.com/?ref=dollarsforum.*All Commission Payments are Paid DAILY*Your Status Status Benefits: Pre-Qualifying Travelling Agent Everyone starts as a Pre- Qualifying travelling agent when they join for free. Qualified Traveller To become a Qualified travelling agent, you need to Upgrade your account to Qualified Traveller's Status from the members area.
Thereafter, you are required to refer two (2) direct Qualified Travelling agents, who are also required to refer two other qualified traveller's each.As a bonus, you will receive an International Master Card FREE. http://unitravelclub.com/?ref=dollarsforum.Plus you earn $25 direct referral BONUS on every Qualified Travelling Agent you personally sponsor into Unitravelclub. You don't have to wait to get paid. You get paid right from day one. Starting with your first Direct Qualified Travelling Agent. Once you have completed your Board, You will receive $100.00 BONUS plus you automatically cycle to the Gold Traveller's Board. Gold Traveller To cycle out of the Gold Traveller's board each of your qualifiers will need to complete their simple 2x2 Qualified Traveller's Board.This could happen through the effort of your sponsors, you or the effort of your Qualified Travellers. Once each of Your Qualified Travellers cycle out of their Qualified Traveller's Board, you get paid a travelling Bonus of $200.00 and also receive a promotion to the Diamond Traveller's Board. Besides, for those who cycle out of their Gold Traveller's Status within 30 Days, they will qualify for a $1,000 Travel Loan Award!! Diamond Traveller To cycle out of your "Diamond Traveller" status, your Gold Travellers should all complete their 2x2 board.
when each of your Gold Travellers have completing their board, this gives you promotion to the Platinum Travellers Board. As an extra extra Bonus, you will receive $2,000.00 Platinum Traveller To cycle out as a "Platinum Traveller" of unitravelclub is the ultimate goal of all members. As this is where you get paid the mega cash award. Our members who cycle out Platinum will receive a handsome $16,500.00. The goal of every of our member is to quickly cycle out of the Platinum member's board with Travelling cash award of $16,500.00The earlier you get started today, the faster you can achieve your ultimate travelling goal at Unitravelclub. Once you cycle out of Platinum, You may now officially apply for assistance for an international travel trip abroad. Depending on what passport you hold and the country you wish to take your vacation, we will help and support your travelling dreams abroad or within your country faster. $25.00 Direct Recruits - receive $25 for every new Qualifier that registered in your website. http://unitravelclub.com/?ref=dollarsforum.Qualify for a $1,000.00 Travel Loan Award when you cycle out of Gold Traveller's Status within 30 days. You may also then apply for your loan. (Please See FAQ for details) Qualify for a $5,000.00 Travel Loan Award when you cycle out of Diamond Traveller's Status within 45 -60 Days. You may also then apply for a $5,000.00 Travel loan.(Please See FAQ for details) You can actually achieve the $16,500.00 total rewards in a few Months by just referring 2 people and help them do the same.
With the senario above, you will be promoted every time you complete your board until to you become a Platinum Traveller. Our goal is to help you achieve your travelling goal while presenting a perfect income opportunity for you.Here is how fast this can go! And the good thing is that with just one direct Qualifier, you can earn in your Gold , Diamond and Platinum Traveller's phase. Here are the summarized Unitravelclub Benefits: Earn unlimited $25.00 Direct Referral bonus with everyone you refer.Qualify for a $1,000.00 Travel Loan Award when you cycle out of Gold within 30 days. Qualilify for a $5,000.00 Travel Loan Award when you cycle out of Diamond within 45 days. Cycle to Gold Traveller and receive = $100.00 Bonus Cycle out of Gold Traveller and receive $200.00 Bonus Cycle out of Diamond Traveller and receive $2,000.00 Bonus Cycle out of Platinum Traveller and receive $16,500.00 Bonus UniTravel - Key FeaturesKey Features that makes UniTravel so Exciting and so Powerful: 2x2 Matrix Only requires 2 that brings two to start a new board. Direct Referrals Bonus You receive $25.00 for all your direct referrals. Earn Total cash Reward of over $19,500.00 You receive a total $100.00 + $200+ ( $1,000* Bonus ) + $2,000 + $16,500.00 + ( $25.00 Direct ref. Bonus* )= Over $19,500.00. Spillover Your sponsor and their sponsor are working to help YOU earn. Spillunder , Your referrals are working for YOU, helping you to cycle and recycle. Follow Your Sponsor, After each cycle you always come in under your sponsor.
Your Earning Potential is Unlimited!There is no limit to how many positions or times you can cycle at UniTravelclub. Members will be cycling 5, 10, 50, maybe even 100 times and each and every time they will receive a paid position into Unitravelclub again. You can only imagine the effect this will have on your financial well being. . . $16,500.00 over and over and over again, all from a single one-time low investment! http://unitravelclub.com/?ref=dollarsforumJoin us now and start on your path to financial freedom today! Every time you have new member joined in your website you will earn $25 Direct Recruit Incentive There is no limit on how many recruits you may have, this will actually help to build your status quickly.
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